Monday, October 26, 2009


This is today’s activity. If you cannot finish within class time, finish at home.

In 1-3 below, write at least 1 sentence in Japanese.
From here, work on your own.

1. Read the comments on your own blog. (10 minutes)
  • Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. (If you already read them skip #1 and go to step 2 below.)
  • If you feel that it is necessary, respond back to the people who commented on your blog.

2. Confirm if comments you have made on others’ blogs have been responded to, or not. (10 minutes).
  • Check the status of comments you have left on others’ blogs. (If you have already done this, skip to step 3.)
  • If you think it is necessary, respond to any comments.
  • To ensure that you remember where you commented, make sure to record on your comment sheet.

3. Comment on the blogs of students in other sections, and other universities (at least 2). (10 minutes)
  • To go to blogs in other sections, look at the link list on the right-hand side of the page.
  • To go to the blogs of students in other universities and countries, click on the link on the right-hand side of the page that says, "せかい(world)" under “ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends.)” At this site you will see にほんごいちねんせい as a link on the right, and underneath it there are various university’s names. If you click these links you will be brought to university homepages which have student blogs either on the right side or on the left side.
  • When you read the blogs and think they are interesting, comment on their blogs.
  • To ensure that you remember where you commented, make sure to record on your comment sheet. Hand in your comment sheet at the end of class.

From here, work as a group of 3~4.

4. Work on categorizing katakana words/expressions. (15 minutes)

  • Discuss with your group members in which category each of the katakanas you found should fit. (If you don’t know the answer, please seek opinions from the instructor and the TAs.)


- Onomatopoeia - Emphasis - Loadwords
  • If a katakana word/expression doesn’t fit into any of the categories written above, create a new category for it.
  • Write the category, the katakana, the transcription/translation, and the place where you found the katakana in the comment section of the blog. See the example below.


Loanword, スタイル(style), Newspaper

From here, work on your own.

5. Think about katakana use and write your analysis on your blog. (15 min)

にほんのだいがくせい and TAs at Columbia will read your analysis and make comments on your analysis.

  • Choose at least 2 katakana words/expressions that you found and think about what kinds of effects / purposes there may be in these words/expressions writing in katakana instead of hiragana or kanji.
  • Also, think why there are such effects/purposes.
  • Think about why each textbook is different in explaining katakana, and why the textbooks explained katakana in the manners that they did.
Write what you have written in the above questions on your blog. In title, write "Katakana Analysis".


Rachel said...

Loan Words:

リサイクル - Recycle (GQ Magazine)
インフラ - Infrastructure (Internet)
パトカ - Patrol car (Internet)
エアコン - Air conditioner (Internet)
マント - Cape/cloak (Internet)
フォーエバー リング - Forever ring (CLASSY Magazine)
カラット - Carat (unit of diamond’s mass introduced from the West) (CLASSY Magazine)
デビアス - De Beers (trademark) (CLASSY Magazine)
レギンス – Leggings (CLASSY Magazine)
フェイシャル トリートメント エッセンス - Facial treatment essence (product of SK-II) (CLASSY Magazine)
インフルエンザワクチン - Flu vaccine (Asahi Newspaper)
マニフェスト – Manifest (Asahi Newspaper)
ハイライト – Highlights (Asahi Newspaper)
ライン – Line (Asahi Newspaper)
プラチナ – Platinum (Asahi Newspaper)
テクノロジーオブザイヤ – Technology of the Year (Courrier Nippon Magazine)
レスバンド – Wristband (Courrier Nippon Magazine)
マドンナ – Madonna (Courrier Nippon Magazine)
アイヂィア – Idea (Chopsticks Newspaper)
カリフォルニア – California (Courrier Nippon Magazine)


ゲロゲロ – Ribbit (Internet)
ビカビカ – Shine (Internet)

Elena Gredjakina said...

Vincent, Jang, Elena:

foreign words:
ニュースパーク newspark
タッチパネル touchpanel
アイドル・グループ american idol
グローバリゼーション globalization
プロパガンダ propaganda
マニフェスト manifest
キャンパス campus
コミュニティー community

onomatopoeia (ヴィンセントサンから もらいました): 
ニャーニャー  mew (cat)
ワンワン  bowwow (dog)
ヒューヒュー wind sound
メラメラ fire sound
トコトコ footsteps

emphasis and combination with kanji:
ライブラリー library
ウェヂング wedding

Kaila Lee said...



Loadwords: スラックス、ビキニ、クリームシャドウ、アントラージュ、デコアーテイスト、スクール、チョコレートケーキ、スペイン、ラブストーリー、ベルト、イペントレポート 

Sources: Classy,SCawaii,Fineboys magazines.

Mary Ross, Ryung Kyung Lee, Ti-Kai Chang.

ben+mj said...

リアルにコーヒー REAL COFFEE
カワイイ kawaii=cute
カンタン kantan=easy

Colloquial Phrases:

Loan Words:
ジョッキ JUG
マキアージュ Maquillage

ニャンニャン MEOW
ピカピカ SHINY

Loan Phrases and Compounds:
ヘアアレンジ "hair arrange," hairstyle
ヘアメイク hair & makeup
ブラックニーハイブーツ black knee-high boots
クリスマスシーサン Christmas Season

ヒースー said...

Loan Words:
ソフトキャンデーsoft candy (candy bag)
ミルクMilk (milk add)
ディズニーリソートDisney Resort (keychain)
キウイグミKiwi Gummy (candy)
エブリバーガーEvery burger (candy)
ジュエリーJewelry (nippon vogue)
ジェルgel (makeup)
ハンコックHankock (movie poster)
スーパーレモンキャンデーsuper lemon (candy)
ミルクコーヒーmilk coffee (drink)
ラベンダーLavender (candy)
ボールペンball pen (pen package)
スズキsuzuki (car ad)
トヨタtoyata (car ad)
プラスチックPlastic (pen packaging)

posted by:

Acopian said...


Katakana Categories:


1)ドッカーン:"Economist" Magazine

2)グツ グツ グ (Boiling sound): Manga


1)エビスビール:Ebisu Beer: Restaurant Menu.


1)ビール: Restaurant Menu

2)カレーライス: Restaurant Menu

3)カレーソースミックス: Food Package

4)チーズケーキ: Cheese-Cake Food Package

5)クッキー(cookie): Anime Magazine

6)クルー (crew): Mc'Donalds Advertisement.

7)フロリダ:Florida Travel


8)ニュ−ス:News: Google Webpage

9) グルーブ:Group: Google Webpage

10) チキン:Chicken: Cookbook.

11)ハイチュウ: Gum Package

12) チャプチ::Cook book

Jessica said...
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Davidetc said...
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Jessica said...

Jessica, Maureen, Rebecca, Stephen

コミックエール Comic Yell (Internet)
ホームページ Home page (Internet)
ラムネ Ramune--> Lemonade (Ramune Soda)
クリームのコロンKuri-mu no Koron (Collon Sweet)
ハリーポッターHarryPotter (Harry Potter Book)
バトルロワイアルBattleRoyale (movie)

ワンワン WANWAN (Youtube)
バカBAKA (Meltyblood Manga)
コオオオオオRoar (Manga)
ピンポンDing Dong (Manga)

Davidetc said...

ノーモア: No more (phonetic)
アジア: Asia (name)
シンポジウム: symposium (loan word)
エネルギ: energy (phonetic)
インド: India (name)
ピカピカ: giving off a bright light (onomatopoeia)
アカハナのトナカイ: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (name)
デンマク: Denmark (name)
ベストカー: best car (phonetic)
ニュールンベルガーソーセージ: Nuremberg Sausage (name+phonetic)
ポーズ: pose (phonetic)
デシイン: design (phonetic)
ドリームマシン: dream machine (phonetic)

David, Simon, Hien

Jose Montelongo said...

バトル ロオヤアル - "Battle royale" -- title of a book by こうしゅんたかみ. Loan word from english.
オレ - Japanese word for "I"; slang; in manga -- emphasis
ダメダメ - 'dame dame'; in manga -- for emphasis I presume
テーゼ - 'thesis'; from CD cover - loan word
リング - 'ring'; from movie name - loan word

ランキング - 'ranking'; from Zipper fashion magazine - loan word (magazine)
プレミアム - 'premium'; from online ad on blog - loan word (magazine)

ズ - onomatopoeia in manga

ブックマーク - 'bookmark'; from online newspaper - loan word; emphasis (easy to see on website)

ビタミン - 'vitamin'; from a fashion magazine "Nono" - loan word
ラーメン - 'ramen'; from a TV series - loan from Chinese
ピカチュウ- 'Pikachu' - name of a pokemon; combination of different onomatopoeia sounds.
ガアラ  - onomatopoeia or emphasis (not sure; in manga)

-Ola, Qinglan, Jose

Yujin Chung said...

プチプチ: Pop (Like popping bubble wrap)
ゴスゴス: Friction
ズン: Something heavy dropping
ウオオエ: Blowing

Foreign Words:
ポールマッカートニー: Paul McCartney
ビートルズのアルバム: Beatles's album
ネットズトア: Net Store
ジヨージ: George
オーストラリア: Australia

キレイパン: Pretty bread (character's name)

キレル: Hate
ザケンナヨ: "Don't fool around!"

ブラーアウト オブタイム: Blur--Out of Time

Lubeen said...

Loan Words:

マクドナルドメニュー (Japanese McDonalds Menu)


ケンカ (My favorite Restaurant)


ガコン (Manga)

ス (Manga)

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