Monday, November 9, 2009


We have 3 activities today. If you don’t finish within the class period, finish them at home.

1. Form a group of 3-4 and discuss what makes a good literary work (e.g., senryu, story, manga, poem, etc). (10 minutes)

After you have created your own literary work, your teacher as well as your classmates will evaluate your work mutually. Based on today’s discussion, we will create evaluation criteria that will be used at the end of the semester.

  • In a group of 3-4, discuss some of the characteristics that would make a good literary work (e.g., senryu, story, manga, poem, etc)..
  • Share what you have discussed by posting comments on this blog entry. Include all the group members’ names. *Initial is OK too.

2. Read comments on your blog (especially for your katakana analysis entry) and comment them back if necessary. (10 minutes)
  • Read all the comments for your katakana analysis entry. If you feel that those comments need to be responded, comment them back.
  • If you have time, read the comments for all your other entries. Again, if you feel that those comments need to be responded, comment them back.

3. Make a literary work by using katakana. (25 minutes)

(1) Read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”. (2 minutes)

  • Scroll down to the comment section of this entry and read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”.

(2) By using katakana words/expressions, create your own literary work and post it on your own blog. (23 minutes)

So far, we have searched and categorized various usages of katakana. And we have also analyzed the purposes and effects of each katakana word/expression. By making the most of what we have learned through our katakana project, create literary work using various usages of katakana, instead of using just a single usage of katakana (e.g. loanword only).

  • Choose the type of your literary work among Senryuu, manga, story, poem, etc. If you want to do 2 different types of literary works, you may create another one.
  • If you choose to write Senryuu, read the previous blog entry about Senryuu and review the rules. You have to write at least 3 Senryuu works.
  • Leave your own comment for the same blog entry (the one you published your literary work) and explain why you have used the particular katakana words in your literary work as well as their effects.


Elena Gredjakina said...

We (Elena, Jang, Vincent, Jeff) think that a good literary works should include the following:
- using vocab well
- ユーモア
- interesting content
- follow the conventional rules
- heartfelt emotions.

ben+mj said...

The work should be readable and well written. The content should be interesting and captivating to the reader. The writer should make use of a variety of vocabulary words. Ideally, the structure of the work should be recognizable and easy to follow, but it would also be beneficial to learn something new from the literary work.

Rachel said...

When reading literary works of various cultures such as the "Tale of Genji" or "Catcher in the Rye," whether the book is written in translation or in the Author's original language, the reader is able to glimpse into the culture of both the author and the work's subject matter.

Each culture has a different interpretation of what elements make a good literary work and thus a good literary work can mean a wide range of things. The elements that make up a good literary work can include many different things: humor, emotion, imagery, etc. In order to allow the greatest breadth of creativity it is important not to restrict the rules of composition.


Stephen said...


Good literary work should be:

-> creative

-> authentic (avoid plagiarism)

-> aesthetically pleasing (choice of words, structure of sentences)

-> contain the right amount of meaningful content within a relatively limited form (e.g limited number of words, avoid being redundant)

-> interesting

Ken Jeon said...

What makes a good literary work:

(1) Good & interesting content

(2) Short & Concise

(3) No hard vocab (Easy to read)

(4) Use of descriptive words

(5) Authentic

by Min Hyun, Hee Soo, Jade, Ken

emin said...

good literary works:

-entertaining content
-easy to read to and understand


Keeley said...

A good literary work should include:
-Interesting and insightful content
-Easy to read, yet simultaneously thought-provoking
-Precise word choice
-A theme or an overall message that is communicated
-Structurally sound, not oddly worded or organized. It should flow.
-Should move the audience in some way. Inspire in some way, whether positively or negatively.

Yujin, Keeley, Jessica, Melissa

SkullsAndHappiness said...

A good literary work includes/is:

-enduring, lasts through the ages, and is relevant to any culture at any time.

- excellent word choice and imagery

- proper length (not to long or too short)

- covers an interesting subject

- has insight into a human problem

- moving, some sort of emotion

- has organization or structure

- manga: has beautiful drawings

Alie Jimenez, Jose Montelango, Maureen Stimola

Anonymous said...

Try to do something new
Nothing superfluous; every word/sentence should count.
Some overall theme or message that stays with you after you have stopped reading.
Reach out to some part of the self that is in everyone/most people.
ola, ana, michael ana

yqr said...

What makes a good literary work???

For story:

for senryu&poem
Take advantage of language

Concise story line
ハンサムな と きれいな ひと

(Rebecca と Qinglan と Yuxi)

Josh said...

Our team of super smart intellectuals (Josh, Keir, and yours truly (Simon) have postulated that the following constitutes a "good" literary work:

for serious now:
1. Above all, it needs to "flow".

2. Relate-able content is a plus, since that holds people's attention.

3. after these 2 rules, things get hazy, because we feel rules in literature can often hinder creativity. Say there's a rule that says you should have a narrative flow, but obviously many great works of literature have broken this rule i,e. Pulp Fiction. Basically, rules are great until they become an impediment.

4. Especially in short stories, poetry, manga, everything you write should have a purpose. No "filler".

Davidetc said...

Senryu should be within the parameters of 5-7-5, and should evoke a thought beyond the content of the poem. It should make sense and be beautiful to read. It should have a good use of vocabulary as well. This should be the same for a poem or story. For manga, the art should be expressive, and onomatopoeia (in Katakana) should be used. The story or manga should have a plot and some sort of climax and resolution.

-Hien, David

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