Saturday, November 14, 2009

Katakana Literary Work Evaluation Categories

1. Emotiveness (Appeal to heart)

heartfelt emotions, captivating, moving, inspiring

2. Informativeness (Message)

beneficial to learn something new, thought-provoking, culture, insight into a human problem, having a purpose, message/theme stays with you

3. Aesthetic Factors (Beauty)

aesthetically pleasing, beautiful drawings (manga)

4. Creativity (Interest)

ユーモア, interesting, humorous, entertaining, meaningful, insightful, imaginary, creative, new, profound, climax/resolution (manga)

5. Consideration for Others (Ease of Reading)

Readable, easy to follow, recognizable, concise, relatable

6. Language (Relation to Language)

variety of vocab, descriptive words, onomatopoeia (manga)

7. Other

Authentic, communicated


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