Tuesday, February 2, 2010



A. いいポッドキャストはどんなポッドキャストですか。(10分)

  1. いいポッドキャストはどんなポッドキャストですか。グループ(2−4人)の人とはなしてください。(Discuss the attributes of a good podcast as well as the criteria that are important for evaluating podcasts project (i.e. both process and product).)
  2. ブログのコメントらん (column) に1とみなさんのなまえ(イニシャル)を かきましょう。
  • We will have not only teachers, but also your classmates and yourself evaluate the podcasts. Using the results of your discussions today as a basis, we will decide the criteria for evaluating the podcast project at the end of the semester.


B. 日本語の学生とコミュニケーションしましょう。(20分)
  • クラスメートのブログ(1つ)
  • ほかの日本語のセクションのブログ(1つ)
  • ノートルダム大学、スミス大学、にしオーストラリア大学、フランスの大学のブログ(1つ)(右のリンクの「ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends)」をクリックしてください。ノートルダム大学、スミス大学、にしオーストラリア大学、フランスの大学のブログはリンクリストにあります。)
*コメントシートにURLをかいて、クラスがおわってから、コメントシートを先生におくってください(google docをつかってもいいです。→google docのつかいかたはココをクリックしてください。)

C.よみものを よみましょう。(15分)

  1. さとう先生の「わたしの好きな物」のポストか (or) はまだ先生の「メッセージがあるもの」のポストをよんでください。
  2. ブログのコメントらん (column) にコメントを かきましょう。

D. ブログをかきましょう。(15分)
  • みなさんの好きな物(本、えいが、おんがく、え、アート、コマーシャルなど)は何ですか。
  • どうしてそれが好きですか。
  • そのメッセージは何ですか。
*ブログは日本語でかいてください。かんじもつかってください!(If you cannot express in Japanese, use English.)

E. ビデオを 見ましょう。(Optional)
  1. まず、プリントを読(よ)んでください。
  2. つぎに、CourseWorksに行(い)ってください。
  3. それから、CLASS FILESに行ってください。ビデオは Shared Filesフォルダーの中にあります。
*〜と言(い)います=say that ~ (Casual Speech: って(いう))


Huei-Yu Lin said...

Podcast Criteria

Entertaining, funny, creative, unique
Thoughtful, carefully made, meaningful dialogue/ content
Proper grammar
Good pronunciation
Easy to understand
Interesting subject
Appropriate length
All group members are involved

Huei-Yu, Michie, Fred, Maureen

Josh Mitchell said...

Jane josh sushant fung

Plot: can't be just a bunch of random things.

Language: use language that would be understandable to classmates.

Content: make interesting in some way, humor or enthusiasm. no long monotone speeches.

Show some effort, try to have decent editing, music, storyline. make it look like you cared.

デービッド said...

1. Content: interesting topics, research, educational value (40%)
2. Japanese language: fluency, grammar, complexity of sentences, vocab (50%)
3. Execution: production values of the video, effort, entertainment value (10%)

Anonymous said...


LUKE ルーク ALICE アリス STEPHEN スティーブン

blog said...

comical and educational
short and catchy
good pronunciation and right grammar
consider the level of listeners
remarkable editing


Yasmin Marie Vera said...
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Yasmin Marie Vera said...

Grammar, clear

good use of language/grammar we have learned thus far




good script

good accents

good video quality and editting

Yasmin, Joyce, John

meli said...

-Contribute equally
-Choose well-lit/appropriate setting

-Speech sounds reasonably fluent/natural
-Use language the class will understand
-Use effective visuals
-Good sound quality
-Not too long/short


Alexandra (Ola) J. said...

Easy to follow
Explains words in english that aren't on the vocabulary.
clear purpose

Josh said...

Clearly spoken and grammatically correct.

Good production (show some effort).

Exciting, not boring

Everyone has contributed. One person does not dominate the group.

Appropriate length for the topic and audience. (No filler).


Alexis Lee said...

a lot of fun
pretty girls and handsome guys
clear message
attractive theme
fabulous music
cool video editing

yuxi, yuxi, alexis

ポール・ワン said...

Participation: Everyone should take an active role in the entire filming process (including screen time and script). Need to show effort!

Grammar: Correct grammar. Try to stick with what has been taught in class so that everyone can follow along and understand.

Plot: message that you are trying to convey should be clear.

Creativity: Podcast should be entertaining/amusing while effectively communicating goal of the podcast.

~Paul Wang, Qinglan, Becky Schloemann

Michael Monhart said...

Good simple main organizing idea
Appropriate length presentation that effective in conveying message and information.
Use of variety of grammar patterns and vocabulary we've learned.

Teamwork 一生につくりましょう
Storyboard the plot
Logistical planning & scheduling & props


Keeley said...

A good podcast means...
1. good acting, people who are committed to their role

2. easy enough to understand (not a ton of unusual vocabulary)

3. fun subject, make sure it actually communicates the messages you're trying to communicate

4. the video isn't TOO shaken around (no motion sickness), there is good lighting, and the sound is audible.

-Keeley N, Alie J, Jose M, Kai G, David W.

うげつ said...

The blog project should be entertaining and should display proper use of the Japanese language. It should make viewers aware of how much they've learned. It should be put together (edited) well, so that the viewer can be absorbed in the video. It should be relevant to the lives of first year Japanese students across the globe, and should be entertaining for Japanese people who want to know why Americans take Japanese. The audio and speech style should be intelligible.


Rebecca said...

Ginny and Rebecca:

Funny, creative, clear [Sound must be heard (so enunciate and make sure your voice is understandable)], understandable plot, relatable, using correct grammar and sentence structure (especially what we've just learned!), おもしろい、 おんがくがいい

ジュリー said...

- おもしろい
- easy to understand
- has an overarching organization/direction, such as a plot or theme
- clear voices when speaking, and no stuttering or excessive use of "あのう"
- everyone has an active role in the podcast
- good grammar and appropriate use of vocabulary
- scenes are connected and the transitions between them are not jumpy

ジュリー、 ヒョー、 スティーブン

Jojo said...

Not too long, maybe 3-5 min.
Audience needs to learn something or get something out of it/message

derek, chris, orlando

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